How to Craft Diversity Job Postings

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is essential for any successful organization. A diverse workforce brings a variety of perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds to the table, which can lead to better decision-making, innovation, and creativity. But how to do you attract them through job ads?

One way to attract underrepresented groups of candidates is to craft diversity job postings that speak to their experiences and interests. Here are a few tips:

  1. Use inclusive language. Avoid using gendered or other discriminatory language in your job postings. Instead, use gender-neutral terms and phrases, such as "they" and "their." You should also avoid using terms that are associated with a particular race, ethnicity, or other protected group.

  2. Highlight your company's commitment to DEI. Let candidates know that your company is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. You can do this by including a statement about DEI in your job postings, or by linking to your company's DEI website or resources.

  3. Describe the company culture. What is the company like to work for? What are the company's values? What are the opportunities for professional development and advancement? By providing a clear picture of the company culture, you can help candidates decide if your company is a good fit for them.

  4. Use visuals. Images and videos can help to tell the story of your company and its culture. When choosing visuals, be sure to use images that represent a diverse range of people.

  5. Get feedback. Ask for feedback from employees from underrepresented groups before you post your job openings. This feedback can help you ensure that your job postings are inclusive and appealing to a diverse audience.

By following these tips, you can craft diversity job postings that attract underrepresented groups of candidates. A diverse workforce is a valuable asset for any organization, and creating inclusive job postings is a great way to start building a more diverse team.

Here are some additional tips for creating diversity job postings:

  • Use specific language to describe the skills and experience you're looking for. This will help to ensure that you're not unintentionally excluding candidates who may have the skills and experience you need, but who don't fit the traditional mold for the role.

  • Be open to candidates with non-traditional backgrounds. Don't just look for candidates who have the same educational background or work experience as your current employees. Consider candidates who have different skills and experiences, as they can bring new perspectives and ideas to your team.

  • Reach out to underrepresented groups of candidates directly. Attend job fairs and conferences that target underrepresented groups, or reach out to organizations that support these groups. You can also partner with diversity recruiting firms to help you reach a wider pool of candidates.

By following these tips, you can create diversity job postings that attract underrepresented groups of candidates and help you build a more diverse and inclusive workforce.

What Diverse Candidates Want

Diverse candidates seek many things in a potential employer, but some of the most common include:

  • A commitment to diversity and inclusion. Candidates want to work for companies that are actively working to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace. This includes companies that have diversity and inclusion goals, that track their progress towards those goals, and that have a strong track record of hiring and promoting diverse employees.

  • A supportive and inclusive culture. Candidates want to work for companies where they feel valued and respected, regardless of their background. This includes companies that have a strong sense of community, that celebrate diversity, and that create an environment where everyone feels comfortable being themselves.

  • Opportunities for professional development and advancement. Candidates want to work for companies that offer opportunities for them to grow and develop their skills. This includes companies that provide training and development programs, that offer opportunities for mentorship and sponsorship, and that have a clear path for advancement.

  • A strong sense of purpose. Candidates want to work for companies that are doing something meaningful and that make a positive impact on the world. This includes companies that have a clear mission and vision, that are committed to social responsibility, and that are making a difference in their communities.

In addition to these factors, diverse candidates may also be looking for specific things that are important to their individual needs and circumstances. For example, candidates from underrepresented groups may be looking for companies that have a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion, that have a supportive and inclusive culture, and that offer opportunities for professional development and advancement. Candidates with disabilities may be looking for companies that are accessible and that have accommodations in place. And candidates with families may be looking for companies that offer flexible work arrangements and family-friendly benefits.

Ultimately, the best way to attract diverse candidates is to create a workplace that is welcoming, supportive, and inclusive. By demonstrating your commitment to diversity and inclusion, you can create a workplace where everyone feels valued and respected, regardless of their background.